
Rădăcinile dragostei pentru făurirea vinului porneste din aspirația către perfecțiune.
Acordă o atenție deosebită tuturor detaliilor, pun suflet și măiestrie în munca lor. În scurt timp, au devenit o echipă de profesioniști pasionați, care creează vinul visurilor tale.

The experience and production capabilities are remarkable: 1000 hectares of own vineyards in 3 wine-growing regions give you confidence in the quality of the grapes they use to make wine.The winery is equipped with the latest equipment, modern technologies that allow the production of wines with a special personality and style.

A team of professionals does their job skillfully and with passion. The result of this effort is reflected in over 100 awards at specialized world competitions. Roots are a fundamental belief: good wine is wine that speaks for itself. Try it, enjoy it, and you will see why they are so proud of it.

Website: wineofmoldova.com/radacini-wines/

Locality Address
  • 3, P. Ungureanu str.